Clinical Supervision
Supervision is an integral part of clinical practice in the psychotherapeutic world. Going beyond case management, the three functions of supervision are: to support the practitioner, ensure ethical good practice, and facilitate ongoing practitioner development. Having regular meetings with a compassionate colleague who is qualified as a therapist but also as a supervisor keeps clinical work on track, keeps us growing and expanding personally and professionally and, I believe, can positively impact client outcomes, augment a flourishing practice, pre-empt and prevent burnout and build career success.
I hold 2 supervision qualificactions (L6 Diploma & L7 equivalent British Psychological Society certificate (2012) and update refresher (2023)) which enables me to supervise integrative / pluralistic, CBT psychotherapeutic counsellors, practitioner psychologists, hypnotherapists and multi-model mental health practitioners remotely,(zoom /phone) and / or in person. I have several years experience as a lead tutor for L6 Supervision Diplomas and have developed and written supervision courses. Tutor affiliations are: CPCAB, OCN London, NCPS and for the last 2 years I additionally work as a Counselling Research Supervisor.
As well as general supervision I offer the following specialist supervision for:
- Supervision for those in Private Practice
- Therapists in training
- Trainee supervisors
- Consultative supervision (Supervision of Supervision)
- Organisational and group supervision (group supervision, setting up supervision services)
- Supervision within university / FE counselling services,
- Trauma informed and aware / trauma specialist supervision
I am one of Surrey University’s centre for wellbeing counselling team clinical supervisors for the last 7 years, and I’m All Ears (counselling & support charity) supervisors as well as supervising those establishing, growing and running their own successful private practices.
Supervision sessions can be arranged at times to suit practitioners and take place fortnightly, weekly or monthky according to situation and need. If you would like to work with me for supervision, I would be happy to hear from you; please make contact through the contact page to arrange an informal chat about how we can make that happen.
Melanie Phelps
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