The years between childhood and adult hood bring their own difficulties.
Increasingly teenagers present with depression, low self esteem, identity issues, ruptures and changes within friendship groups, feelings of failure, anxiety, panic attacks, self harm, eating distress and social phobia. There may be bullying, sexual peer pressure, adjustment to family changes, exam worries, feelings of isolation or overwhelming emotions which are difficult to find words for or make sense of.
This stage of life is difficult for parents and other family members too as it is difficult to know what to say or do for the best.
If you are a teenager who is struggling it can be liberating to have someone who is separate from your family to discuss how you feel.
If you are a parent or carer of a teenager and are struggling to make sense of what is happening or how best to manage a situation then a session could help to talk things through and enable you to provide appropriate support for your teen at home.
Free Consultation
The initial consultation is free and without obligation.