About Private Psychologist
I offer private in person and Zoom consultations for adults, older teens (16+) and couples, based in Camberley, Surrey / Hants / Berks borders.
Areas of interest
Anxiety & Fear related conditions (general anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, PTSD, OCD), Relationships including self relationship and relationship with food, & Couples issues, Eating, Weight & size issues (compulsive overeating, eating disorders), trauma & abuse including: sexual abuse, psychological and emotional abuse & bullying. The Mind – Body link.
Taking an holistic approach, I use a variety of modern and traditional evidence based approaches and techniques tailored to suit each client and welcome people from a range of diverse backgrounds, culture and ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation and gender.
Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC): Practitioner Psychologist
British Psychological Society (BPS): Associate Fellow (since 2012), Clinical Supervisor, Specialising in Psychotherapy & CBT, Qualified Hypnotherapist, Psychometric Assessments, National Centre for Eating Disorders Practitioner, Institute of Leadership Coach.
Qualified Teacher / Trainer (UK), First Aid for Mental Health & Mental Health Awareness Regulated Instructor, Safeguarding & Protecting Children, Young People & Vulnerable Adults Regulated Instructor
Current Posts
Private Appointments: GP & Self-referral
Part time academic interests: Lead Tutor, Research Supervisor, Internal & External course moderator. Post Qualification & Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course development & training provider.
Clinical Supervisor: for Independent Practice, Surrey University & “I’m All Ears” Charity, The British Psycholgical Society, The National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society, The National Hypnotherapy Society & The National Centre for Eating Disorders registered Supervisor.
Previous Posts have included work in/for
Court Expert Witness Psychological Injury, Criminal & Family Law, HMP Bisley (Male medium-secure prison) / Kingston Women’s Centre /The National Centre for Eating Disorders / Cruse Bereavement Care / The Centre for Psychology, (NHS / Talking Therapies provider) / 10 Harley Street / ARC Youth Counselling (including involvement in the anti bullying project for young people) / Thrive Mentor / Student coach for Reading University Students. Happiful Magazine contributor. My first career was as a medical nurse.
Media, Contributions & Publications
- 360 Business Law Podcast: Mindset for Business with Robert Taylor Autumn 2023
- ITV Tonight, Jan 2023; appearance with comments on the psychological impact of rogue builders
- Boots Health & Beauty Christmas Magazine article (how to deal with Stress at Christmas, Dec 2019)
- SANE Magazine article contributor (Sept 2019)
- Yahoo Finance UK: How to assert yourself at work when you have anxiety (June 2019)
- Heart-in-Diamond magazine: The difference between grief and clinical depression (April 2018)
- Children First: Experts Corner (Oct 2017)
- The Counselling Cafe (online magazine) What you need to know about working with Eating Disorders (April 2017)
- Saga Magazine contributor to family relationships article (Dec 2016)
- The Huffington Post (online magazine) contributor to “Ghosting” article (Oct 2016)
- BBC Radio Oxford – breakfast show interview Clown Craze (10th Oct 2016)
- The Sun online article contributor The Clown Craze (8th October 2016)
- Eagle Radio – podcast for Fit for Panto weight loss & breakfast show interview (Sept 2016)
- National Animal Welfare Trust Magazine: Treating cat & dog phobias article (May 2015)
- Family Law Journal Being an Expert Witness (2012)
- BBC radio 1 (Nov 2012) The Surgery with Dr Mel: interview about Orthorexia the “new” Eating Disorder
- BBC radio Scotland interview about Eating Disorders (Nov 2012)
- Sky TV (2007) Real Lives Documentary: “Living with size Zero”
- Guardian Weekend Magazine (Nov 2006) Cat Phobia interview
Speaker at the 10th International Hypno-Psychotherapy conference (June 2018), the Health & Wellbeing at Work Conference (March 2017), the 6th International Hypno-Psychotherapy Conference (June 2014)
Melanie Phelps
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and start to get your life back on track